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作者: 发布日期:2024-09-22


王雷,男,博士,副教授,聊城大学光岳英才,硕士生导师, 美国佐治亚大学(UGA)访问学者(2019-2020) E-mail:freshair928@163.com






  1. β-氨基丁酸诱导甜樱桃采后抗病性的细胞机制研究(31601521),国家自然科学基金,主持

  2. β-氨基丁酸诱导水果采后抗病性提高和延缓果实衰老机制研究(318051535),聊城大学高层次博士启动项目,主持

  3. 微波膨化山楂脆片的加工工艺研究(J16LF61),山东省高等学校科技计划项目,主持

  4. 鲁西特色水果(鸭梨)品质提升及真菌病害防控关键技术研究(2019GNC106065),山东省重点研发计划项目,主持

  5. β-氨基丁酸诱导草莓果实采后抗病性的priming 机制研究(ZR2021MC185),山东省自然科学基金,主持


  1. Wang L., Jin P., Wang J., Jiang L.L., Zhang S.R., Gong H.S., Liu H.X., Zheng Y.H. (2015). In vitro inhibition and in vivo induction of defense response against Penicillium expansum in sweet cherry fruit by postharvest applications of Bacillus cereus AR156. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 101, 15-17.

  2. Wang L., Jin P., Wang J., Jiang L.L., Shan T.M., Zheng Y.H. (2015). Effect of β-aminobutyric acid on cell wall modification and senescence in sweet cherry during storage at 20 oC. Food chemistry, 175, 471-477.

  3. Wang L., Jin P., Wang J., Jiang L.L., Shan T.M., Zheng Y.H. Methyl jasmonate primed defence responses against Penicillium expansum in sweet cherry fruit. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,2015,33,1464-1471

  4. Wang L., Wang J., Jin P., Gong H.S., Zhang S.R., Zheng Y.H. Hot air treatment induces resistance against blue mold decay caused by Penicillium expansum in sweet cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 189,74-80.

  5. Wang L., Zhang, H. , Jin, P. , Guo, X. , Li, Y. , Fan, C. , et al. (2016). Enhancement of storage quality and antioxidant capacity of harvested sweet cherry fruit by immersion with β-aminobutyric acid. Postharvest Biology and Technology,2016, 118,71-78

  6. Wang, L., Liu, R., Yue, Y., Yu, M., Zheng, Y., Zhang, H. Preservation treatment with methyl jasmonate alleviates chilling injury disorder in pear fruit by regulating antioxidant system and energy status. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2022e16152.

  7. Wang B, Zhang H, Li Y, Zheng Y and Wang L, Elevated level of chilling tolerance in cucumber fruit was obtained by β-aminobutyric acid via the regulation of antioxidative response and metabolism of energy, proline and unsaturated fatty acid. Scientia Horticulturae, 307:111521 (2023).

  8. Liu L, Huang A, Wang B, Zhang H, Zheng Y, Wang L*. Melatonin mobilizes the metabolism of sugars, ascorbic acid and amino acids to cope with chilling injury in postharvest pear fruit, Scientia Horticulturae, 2024, 323:112548.

  9. Wang, L. *; Liu, J.; Li, M.; Liu, L.; Zheng, Y.; Zhang, H. β-Aminobutyric Acid effectively postpones senescence of strawberry fruit by regulating metabolism of NO, H2S,ascorbic acid, and ABA. Horticulturae 2024, 10, 218.

  10. Liu L, Wang B, Huang A, Zhang H, Li Y, Wang L* (2024) Biological characteristics of the bacteriophage LDT325 and its potential application against the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae.  Frontiers in Microbiology, 15:1370332.

  11. Wang L*, Liu L, Huang A, Zhang H and Zheng Y (2024) The metabolism of amino acids, AsA and abscisic acid induced by strigolactone participates in chilling tolerance in postharvest zucchini fruit.  Frontiers in Plant Science, 15:1402521.

  12. Wang B, Huang A, Liu L, Li Y, Zhang H, Wang L*. (2024). Effects of an Exogenous Melatonin Treatment on the Physiological Indexes and Storage Duration of Cut Chrysanthemum Flowers. Horticultural Science and Technology, 42(4).

  13. 王雷, 张华, 张蕾蕾, 王会, 金鹏,郑永华. (2017). 甜樱桃采后热空气处理抑制青霉病的工艺优化. 农业工程学报, 33(6), 295-300.

  14. 王雷, 李华, 张华, 王会, 金鹏, 赵燕, (2017). β-氨基丁酸抑制草莓低温贮藏过程中灰霉病的效果及其机理. 食品科学, 38(21), 272-278.

  15. 王冰,李阳,黄安琪,王雷. 噬菌体防治食品中食源性致病菌的研究进展[J]. 食品研究与开发,2024,45(15):204-209.

  16. 刘莉,刘冬冬,张晨露,黄安琪,王冰,王雷.园林植物细菌性叶斑病的研究进展.北方园艺,2024, 7, 120-126.